Author Archives: hannieyama
De Keizer van Atlantis
Poortersfestival Decor voor de opera bij de Koppelpoort Amersfoort.
De Keizer van Atlantis
Poortersfestival Decor voor de opera bij de Koppelpoort Amersfoort.
Marketing Tribune
Tweewekelijks tijdschrift MarketingTribune • Art direction• Design
Marketing Tribune
Tweewekelijks tijdschrift MarketingTribune • Art direction• Design
decor voor de opera de verdoemenis van Faust van Hector Berlioz. Westergasfabriekterrein Amsterdam regie: Marcel Sijm uitvoerenden: Crea koor en orkest Faust verkoopt zijn ziel aan de duivel. Enkel Margarita kan hem redden uit deze situatie. Het decor bestaat uit
decor voor de opera de verdoemenis van Faust van Hector Berlioz. Westergasfabriekterrein Amsterdam regie: Marcel Sijm uitvoerenden: Crea koor en orkest Faust verkoopt zijn ziel aan de duivel. Enkel Margarita kan hem redden uit deze situatie. Het decor bestaat uit
Wisselwaarde ism. Theater Adhoc Een serie van twintig theatersalons rondom de eeuw- en millenniumwisseling?, een serie over vooruitkijken en terugblikken. Een transformatie van het hele gebouw: de gangen in streepjescode en met teksten, de zalen in primaire kleuren. Een co-productie
Wisselwaarde ism. Theater Adhoc Een serie van twintig theatersalons rondom de eeuw- en millenniumwisseling?, een serie over vooruitkijken en terugblikken. Een transformatie van het hele gebouw: de gangen in streepjescode en met teksten, de zalen in primaire kleuren. Een co-productie
Project Yele
Project Yele aims to design, develop and construct a Hydro Electric Power Plant and eLuma Business Center in Yele, Sierra Leone. The energy provided by the Hydro Electric Power Plant will be distributed according to the most important local needs
Project Yele
Project Yele aims to design, develop and construct a Hydro Electric Power Plant and eLuma Business Center in Yele, Sierra Leone. The energy provided by the Hydro Electric Power Plant will be distributed according to the most important local needs
Trac FM
Following research on the power of talk radio in Uganda, we are setting up a radio-based platform for people to report their problems with public service delivery. Which street has too many potholes? Which public hospital has no malaria medicine?
Trac FM
Following research on the power of talk radio in Uganda, we are setting up a radio-based platform for people to report their problems with public service delivery. Which street has too many potholes? Which public hospital has no malaria medicine?
Interview Murakami
Exformation in relationship with storytelling, according to Murakami in an interview about his new book: ” The not-knowing is the engine.” “Writing a book is like traveling without a map. The only thing you need is self confidence – the
Interview Murakami
Exformation in relationship with storytelling, according to Murakami in an interview about his new book: ” The not-knowing is the engine.” “Writing a book is like traveling without a map. The only thing you need is self confidence – the
Calvino about Exformation
Nice paragraph from Calvino’s memo’s for the next millenium about exformation. ‘Writing about that what stays excluded and what you would like to write’
Calvino about Exformation
Nice paragraph from Calvino’s memo’s for the next millenium about exformation. ‘Writing about that what stays excluded and what you would like to write’
Home Plant Factory
Answer from Panasonic to the growing trend of DIY (do it yourself) and Urban Gardening. Grow your own vegetables at home within four weeks. read article in Wired Japan
Home Plant Factory
Answer from Panasonic to the growing trend of DIY (do it yourself) and Urban Gardening. Grow your own vegetables at home within four weeks. read article in Wired Japan