Author Archives: hannieyama

About hannieyama

Artist and designer, visual communication

apply play

For over 20 years Ellis Bartholomeus has been developing interactive and playful products. Through her work, she learned about designing motivational and persuasive games, and have been doing research and taught people one-on-one, in classes and through lectures about how

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apply play

For over 20 years Ellis Bartholomeus has been developing interactive and playful products. Through her work, she learned about designing motivational and persuasive games, and have been doing research and taught people one-on-one, in classes and through lectures about how

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Edo Sanpu 2020

AN ARTISTS DIALOGUE ABOUT IMAGING — ONESELF AND THE OTHER — IN JAPAN AND THE NETHERLANDS FOUR PROJECTS Edo Sanpu 2020 consists of four art projects, inspired by four distinctive aspects of the relationship between the Netherlands and Japan (past

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Edo Sanpu 2020

AN ARTISTS DIALOGUE ABOUT IMAGING — ONESELF AND THE OTHER — IN JAPAN AND THE NETHERLANDS FOUR PROJECTS Edo Sanpu 2020 consists of four art projects, inspired by four distinctive aspects of the relationship between the Netherlands and Japan (past

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Watching and being watched – Performance Itoshima Japan

As a result of our stay at Studio Kura, we presented the performance Watching and being watched on June 24 (Sat) and 25 (Sun) 2017. Hannie van den Bergh and Jan van den Berg are artists from Amsterdam, the Netherlands. They

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Watching and being watched – Performance Itoshima Japan

As a result of our stay at Studio Kura, we presented the performance Watching and being watched on June 24 (Sat) and 25 (Sun) 2017. Hannie van den Bergh and Jan van den Berg are artists from Amsterdam, the Netherlands. They

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Artikel NVOX over SeeingNano tools

In het laatste nummer van NVOX, magazine voor het onderwijs in natuurwetenschappen een artikel over SeeingNano. PDF artikel NVOX Ook verzorgde zij een lezing voor de vakgroep natuurkunde voor de docenten van de middelbare scholen in de omgeving van Leiden

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Artikel NVOX over SeeingNano tools

In het laatste nummer van NVOX, magazine voor het onderwijs in natuurwetenschappen een artikel over SeeingNano. PDF artikel NVOX Ook verzorgde zij een lezing voor de vakgroep natuurkunde voor de docenten van de middelbare scholen in de omgeving van Leiden

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Origami and science – collaboration with Sojo University in Kumamoto

What can be the role of arts and design in this era of big changes in both society and science? How can we use traditional techniques to develop state of the art scientific research and bottom up initiatives? Senri Nojima, artist and

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Origami and science – collaboration with Sojo University in Kumamoto

What can be the role of arts and design in this era of big changes in both society and science? How can we use traditional techniques to develop state of the art scientific research and bottom up initiatives? Senri Nojima, artist and

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To the end of the world – Travelogue Hokkaido

During our research on the Dutch – Japanese relationship between 1609 – 1868 we came across a travelogue of Cornelis Jansz. Coen, first mate on the VOC–vessel Castricum. A report about a unique voyage of discovery to the islands currently

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To the end of the world – Travelogue Hokkaido

During our research on the Dutch – Japanese relationship between 1609 – 1868 we came across a travelogue of Cornelis Jansz. Coen, first mate on the VOC–vessel Castricum. A report about a unique voyage of discovery to the islands currently

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Ton Tuinen

Visual identity for garden designer Ton Vissers

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Ton Tuinen

Visual identity for garden designer Ton Vissers

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FEM de week

Financieel Economisch weekblad van Elsevier • design

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FEM de week

Financieel Economisch weekblad van Elsevier • design

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Tweemaandelijks tijdschrift van Center for Society and Genomics • bladformule• art direction• design• infographics Illustraties: Claudie de Cleen, Tammo SchuringaFotografie: Maartje Geels, Thomas Fasting

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Tweemaandelijks tijdschrift van Center for Society and Genomics • bladformule• art direction• design• infographics Illustraties: Claudie de Cleen, Tammo SchuringaFotografie: Maartje Geels, Thomas Fasting

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Marketing Tribune

Tweewekelijks blad voor marketeers • art direction• design

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Marketing Tribune

Tweewekelijks blad voor marketeers • art direction• design

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